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Kentucky Bartender License - Getting Your License Through ABC Star Training

drink alcohol

Getting a Kentucky bartender license is not difficult, as long as you meet all of the requirements. You must be at least 21 years of age and have a legal U.S. citizen, with no felony convictions or misdemeanor convictions relating to liquor licenses. You will also have to submit proof that you have attended a beverage service training program. This will prepare you to work as an alcohol server.

Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control allows you to apply for a licence. This is the agency that handles liquor licensing. Applications can be submitted online or by mail. This application will require you to fill in a form and provide copies of both your driver's license as well as a diagram showing the structure that you will use. You will need to complete the RBS online training course if you were cited for violating alcohol laws.

The cost of obtaining a Kentucky bartender license varies based on your area. You can pay around $400 to 800 for an in-person course, or you can take an online course for about $50 to $200. The cost of the course depends on where you live as well as which organization you enroll with. You may need to consult an attorney if you are thinking of getting your Kentucky liquor licence.

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You'll also need to apply online for a license if your work is in the Lexington region. The Lexington Police Department accepts applications online, and you can also fill out an application at your local liquor store. If you live elsewhere in the state, you will need to apply for a license through the Kentucky Department Of Alcoholic Beverage Control.

The applicant must have a Kentucky legal residence for at least one calendar year. A Kentucky misdemeanor relating alcohol conviction will bar applicants from applying for a licence. This also applies to those who have a felony conviction or a conviction for a misdemeanor involving controlled substances. The applicant must also not have been released from jail, probation, parole, nor probation in the last two-years.

Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control recommends the Server Training in Alcohol Laws and Regulations Course (STAR). It includes alcohol awareness training and intervention methods. It also covers carding procedures and the state laws that pertain to the sale of alcohol. After completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Some localities have passed ordinances mandating responsible alcohol service training. Find out if your region requires that you complete this training by calling your local ABC board. It is a requirement of many liability insurance carriers that employees complete this training. It can also lower the amount of liquor liability coverage you are required by law.

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You might also consider enrolling in an online course to learn how to be a safe server. You'll learn how to safely serve alcohol, and what you can do to reduce your risk of getting sued. The course can easily be completed in a matter hours.

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What is the perfect drink to order for a woman at a pub?

Old-fashioned is the best kind of drink to be served to a girl at a pub. It's made from whiskey, water, sugar, and ice.

Thomas Handy invents the old-fashioned. His creation was named after the Long Island horse race that he loved.

What kind of ice do bartenders put in drinks?

Bartenders use several different types of ice depending on the type of drink being mixed. For most drinks, cubed is used. While crushed ice for shakes or other non-carbonated drinks is used.

What is the tastiest cocktail?

The best cocktails are made from fresh ingredients. They should be interesting in taste and well-balanced.

Mixing drinks with quality spirits is the most important thing. If you're using cheap vodka, then you may as well just drink water.

How can I make cocktails?

There is no single right answer. You'll need to experiment until you find what works best for you.

But there are some things you should keep in mind when learning how to make cocktails:

  1. Many recipes will require ingredients such as lemon juice or orange juice. However, these ingredients can't always be interchangeable.
  2. Different recipes may require different types of glassware. So before you buy anything, check out which glasses work best with your preferred type of beverage.
  3. Mixing cocktails is easier if you add ice first. Then pour the liquid over the ice.
  4. Always shake well Shaking will aerate the mixture and give you a more flavorful drink.
  5. Garnishes must be included! They bring everything together.
  6. Use fresh herbs whenever possible. Fresh herbs are more delicious than dried.
  7. Try different flavors. You can add different fruits, spices, or herbs to your favorite drinks.
  8. Experiment with different alcohols. There are many varieties of spirits. Each one has its own flavor profile.
  9. Mixing drinks is fun. You can mix up great drinks if you just follow the rules.
  10. Don't be afraid to ask any questions. Most bars and restaurants are happy to share their knowledge with you.


  • majority of pineapple juice and Malibu rum is only 21% alcohol content. (breakingtheboredom.com)
  • its content makes it 10.5%, which is far less than wine. (breakingtheboredom.com)
  • If you choose one that's made with 100 percent agave (like Milagro or Sauza), you'll save a ton of money and still get a great-tasting drink. (mashed.com)
  • According to a post on Quora, the average bartender can make upward of 140 drinks per hour. (gloworder.com)

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How To

How to make a delicious martini

A martini is made with gin, vermouth, and ice. Before mixing the ingredients, it is important to thoroughly combine them. It is best served chilled in a glass. A good martini should always be served straight up. If you mix it, then you ruin the taste.

Two olives are the most common way to serve martinis. You can also put some olive brine on the rim of the glass if you want to give your drink extra flavor.

It doesn't matter what type of alcohol you use, but 100% grain alcohol is preferred like Vodka. This gives the cocktail an easier texture. Although there are many vermouths on the market, we recommend one that does not contain any added sugar. Sugar can make cocktails too sweet.

To make a martini, add 2 ounces of dry vodka to a shaker. 1 ounce vodka. Combine all ingredients in a shaker until smooth. In a chilled martini shaker, add the olive and garnish with a lemon wedge.

The same steps are required to make a martini in a shaker. Remember not to shake the mixture too much - only enough to combine all the ingredients.


Kentucky Bartender License - Getting Your License Through ABC Star Training